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learn & integrate & share & learn & integrate & share & learn & ...
We need the nonlinear-transformation professionals back at work.
Modern culture offers a selection of professions to choose from: shopkeeper, policeman, baker, fireman, doctor, farmer. lawyer, politician, corporate manager, programmer, schoolteacher, mom...
What if the services you came here to deliver are not listed on the tax forms?
How can you activate your edgeworker talents?
Where are your evolutionary colleagues?
Evolutionary Lab provides precisely mysterious experiences to upgrade your nonlinear-creation space-navigation skills.
Evolutionary Lab is also for you if you DO NOT want to deliver Expand The Box trainings or Possibility Labs yet you still want to use advanced Possibility Management tools, thoughtware, maps, and processes in your transformational work.
We need the thoughtware-upgrading professions activated because if we keep using thoughtware handed down from generation to generation we can't create a different future... and we definitely need to create a different future.
We need cultural-transformation professions because, if we do not escape from capitalist patriarchal empire and shift into archearchy, then we remain uninitiated adolescents and leave most of our human potential untapped.
We need the initiators because the strategy of avoiding responsibility is also the strategy of avoiding consciousness and love.
We need professions that contain the Everything and navigate the Nothing - the archetypal transformation professions - because the strategy of leaving unprepared professionals to face the demons in the transformational gaps between moments is not likely to succeed.
We need Evolutionaries to facilitate context-shift for greater consciousness and presence in communities, businesses, next cultures, and learning environments centered on authentic adulthood initiatory processes.
If this is you, then you are home.
University is education. It adds content to your mind and upgrades what you know.
Evolutionary Lab is training. It adds experiential distinctions to your energetic body and upgrades who you are.
Yes. No. Maybe...
All the classic questions can be answered: Who am I? What am I supposed to be doing here? What is reality? What is important? Who is in charge here? Where does meaning come from? What is truth? Where did I come from? What happens when I die? Did I live before? What is love? How do I get some? What is really going on here? Do I have to pay taxes? What's for lunch?
All these questions can be answered, however, (as you've probably figured out by now...) each real answer gives birth to more real questions...
If you follow this line of inquiry a bit further it leads to a number of practical realizations, for example:
1. The answers are not as important as the next questions.
2. Being able to ask any question is a core skill for navigating spaces because it gives you more options to choose from in each moment.
3. Human beings are designed to fly in the gaps between answers even if it is scary.
4. Those people who have learned to journey in the gaps suddenly get special jobs to do and services to provide for the village... jobs which other professions have neither the capacity nor the courage to deliver. (Responsibility is applied consciousness.)
5. Learning something new has less impact than integrating into everyday interactions what you already know.
This is not a religion. A religion believes in beliefs. Evolutionaries Labs have discovered that beliefs are a band-aid covering over the fear of asking the next question and possibly having no answer yet.
This is not a sect. A sect asks you to stay small, repress your individuality, give your center away, your voice away, your authority away, your power away, your money away, and maybe your wife and kids away.
At Evolutionaries Lab you keep your own authority, ask authentic curiosity questions, distinguish feelings from emotional reactions, keep your center, use your voice, get more relational (intelligence is the ability to interact), become the source of something more valuable than money for yourself, make boundaries, become a sword of clarity, escape your constructs so they become options that you own instead of prisons that own you, ask for what you want (even if it is impossible), transform yourself into something uncontrollable, and create something epic together.
There is no Guru here. Neither is there a Priest, a President, a CEO, a Doctor, a Director, a Boss, a Dad... Evolutionaries Lab is a Torus (http://torustechnology.org). Since there is no authority to blame in a Torus we find ourselves in deep shit... together.
Just no.
(It's not an accident that the "No" is standing here alone and without further explanation. It is there on general principles. Probably it means we reserve the right to say, "No", to anybody about anything at any time for no reason. You could reserve that right for yourself too.)
Maybe the human race has already exterminated itself by unconscionably triggering the release of 500 gigatons of atmospheric carbon (in the form of carbon dioxide and methane) that Gaia has so carefully sequestered over millions of years (in underground coal, oil, natural gas, methane clathrates frozen in tundra and Siberian seabeds, and the massive arboreal forests). The sequestered carbon gave Earth stable enough climactic conditions to evolve a biological organism that was complex enough to become self-aware and flexible enouth to expand its consciousness within one lifetime.
Yes, you are that biological organism.
Maybe this is our chance... global warming, climate change, class 6 storms, mega-fires, ocean dead-zones, nuclear-weapons proliferation, wars between corporate-controlled shadow governments... maybe this is our chance to grow up, to go to the next level. Maybe we will make it...
6,000 years ago hierarchies derailed the authentic adulthood initiatory processes that permit a person to transcend the two childhood misidentifications: "I am my body." and "I am my Box." Maybe are ready to reinstate the new initiatory processes that upgrade human thoughtware for creating generative cultures, and Gaia's human experiment will succeed...
Evolutionaries Lab is dedicated to doing everything it can to tilt the scale towards rapid evolution of human consciousness on planet Earth by empowering agents of transformation.
We don't know, yet.
Like all gameworlds, Evolutionary Lab is an experiment. The EvoLab was created because some of us have been trying to get into a gameworld like this for our whole lives.
Since we couldn't find an already existing gameworld that fulfilled our wishes, we needed to build one ourselves. This is it.
We don't know yet who else has been looking for something like this.
We think EvoLab is an experiment in long-term caring friendships.
What does that mean? We don't know, yet.
We are pretty sure that Evolutionary Lab is also a nanonation, a group of people sourcing the cultural context of radical responsibility and possibility.
When will our nanonation be able to issue passports? We don't know, yet.
Principles Of Evolutionary
The term 'Evolutionary' is spelled with a capital letter to remind us that each action and inaction intends to serve Bright Principles.
Doing what you say you will do, not necessarily what others define as "the right thing to do". Staying true to what moves you to be alive.
Your swift, precise, radically honest, compassionately intelligent, razor sharp, present, dependable sword of clarity has two edges.
Evolutionary, unpredictable, improvising, initiating, doing what needs to be done even if it has never been done before and you don't know how to do it.
Loving Service
Mutual support to help other Evolutionaries over the long-term deliver loving service of whatever is needed in abundance.
Experiments & Research
Evolutionaries Lab explorations, skill-building experiments, and research.
1. Cavitating, creating, holding, navigating, shifting purpose of, adding people to, taking people out of, and destroying transformational spaces.
2. Surfing multidimensional chaos while remaining centered and grounded.
3. Dissolving holes in the perception-walls of spaces, either in yourself, or, if requested, in others, and going through the holes (together or alone) into new possibilities. Putting stakes into the new territory so you can find it and return to it later.
4. New uses for reminding factors.
5. Using your own perceptions and fear to create less security for your Box (security from assumptions, expectations, unfulfilled childhood needs, projections, etc.)
6. What timing is appropriate to be prepared for various initiations (e.g. When is an organization prepared to do sustain distilling their Bright Principles?)
7. Creating or detecting leverage points or diving-off points for transformational processes or doorways. Should you go through or not? What can someone handle?
8. Scanning for gateways either in people or in spaces or places. (e.g. gateways for journeying into the Earth)
9. How to invoke the presence of Consciousness and the presence of Being in a space. Then how to make use of it.
10. What are the systems of initiations?
11. How to discover that the key to the Box is on the inside. How to help people help you discover the keys to their Box.
12. Putting your attention over there and testing what is possible there.
13. Memetic engineering – talking with Boxes so the Boxes can see themselves or experience themselves as something else. For example, one man had the thoughtware that if he is to trust someone it must be forever. In other words, he would not trust something that is not permanent. Therefore he trusted nothing and no one. He changed his thoughtware to limiting his trust to a smaller now, and now, and now. It made him more alive and his trust more realistic.
14. Using the gap in space between spaces in the Great Labyrinth of Spaces as a wormhole for navigating and shifting spaces from one set of possibilities to spaces with another set of possibilities.
15. Mapping onto other people’s 5 bodies to enter the present with them.
16. Diagramming love happening or not happening in a Organizational Love Diagram. For example:
a. Who does this person love?
b. Who irritates you?
c. Who is invisible to you?
d. Who loves this person?
e. Who does this person irritate?
f. Who ignores this person?
17. Talking through the Box to the Being.
18. Healing witch burnings on a deeper level and an organizational level: the witch burning phenomena in the organization. What triggers it? How to get burned as a witch? How to avoid it? How to go to the next organizational level?
19. Facing into sexual energetics and monogamy in groups.
20. Bringing background conversations into the foreground: putting the shit on the table. Saying what has to be said.
21. Giving people what they want vs. giving people what they need. What serves? What kind of results are you trying to create?
22. Negotiating 5-body intimacies with an organization.
23. Culture shift actions. The evolution of consciousness. Legend making and alchemical experiments. Shifting global stories.
24. How to meet resistance with a vacuum. Techniques of using vacuum as a transformational force. Creating and presenting the void.
25. Delivering your work, living your life, without fitting in.
26. Using group intelligence to find further clarifications on your work and your way.
27. Designing and implementing transformational experiments.
28. Collaborating with others for the well-being of all.
29. Your connection and service to Gaia.
30. How it works that one person projects someone else on another person and how to transform this into an evolution of consciousness initiatory or healing process.
31. High level Gremlin defenses (Self-Cannibalism Gremlin, Gremlin Violence, Dramaholic) and what to do about them.
32. Populating new territory with action steps and fields of Being.
33. Recharging your deep batteries with Bright Principles during training spaces.
34. Sharpening the fineness of your considerations and introspections – what is really going on.
35. Weaving critical connections between communities of practice to build a field of influence for the emergence of Archiarchy.
36. Accidentally knowing what you are doing.
37. Teaching others how to navigate into rare spaces - Possibilitator Skills
38. How does your intention and the space determine what is possible, and what to do about it.
39. How to create questions that shift one space into another space. Developing and apply the power of Asking.
40. Building Possibilitator Torus Circles in other countries – something from nothing.
41. How to read what is happening for others through being more and more yourself.
42. Creating gifts and treasures out of chaotic underworld transformational processes – the magic of wrapping things up.
43. Splitting your attention between NOW and the pathways of diligence to various possible futures, and distinguishing what it takes to get there.
44. Checking on the strength and weakness of your clarity (sword) and the strength and weakness of your vulnerable sensing presence (chocolate). What is in the way and what to do about it.
45. Lizard Brain healing tools and processes.
46. Process: “I have this great idea!”
47. Applying improvisational forces in everyday life moments to navigate to extraordinary and archetypal spaces.
48. Sheep, pigs, wolves, and gameworld builders.
49. Facing the world’s circumstances of the early 21st Century without despair.
50. Healing blocks to ecstatic creating.
51. Standing in your outlandish profession with authority, and delivering your transformational promises.
(Frequently Asked Questions)
Such terms are commonly reserved for fantasy stories. We use them as additions to our self-image to remind us of the existence of our 5th body, our archetypal body (the other 4 bodies being: physical, intellectual, emotional, and energetic). By claiming 'Sourceress' or 'Wyzard' as part of your identity you eventually start admitting to yourself that your 5th body exists. Your identity expansion (for example, "I am a Personal Development Trainer Wizard Dad...") helps guard you from being hypnotized back into ordinary sleeping life where you might forget for days or weeks at a time that you even have a 5th body. The identity-space you occupy determines the tools you have available to use in each moment. A Sourceress and a Wyzard can do things that someone using only 4 bodies cannot do. As Robert A. Heinlein said, "One man's magic is another man's science." (He obviously meant this to apply also to women.) (Using Heinlein's quote implies that what we are doing is science... and... uhhh... well... the tools and thoughtmaps are teachable, the results are duplicatable, and we do our work in Labs... What we are missing is public funding...)
A person's title is declared by their own authority and proved through the results of their actions. Come sit around the campfire and listen to some Sourceress and Wyzard stories. If their stories have credibility for you, your answer to this question will be at hand. When you are qualified through your own experiences to tell such stories, you will be a Sourceress or Wyzard.
The difference comes from where they put their roots.
A Sourceress sinks her roots deeply into the Earth and uses everything to navigate transformational processes - making something out of something else.
A Wyzard sinks his roots deep into the void and uses the nothingness to create results - making something out of nothing.
(NOTE: Obviously the feminine masculine thing does not correlate to these titles, but it often does. The answer as to why this might be so is probably archetypal.)
In the global ecology of gameworlds, there are many different categories, such as: sports teams, gem collecting clubs, hospitals, businesses, grownesses, not-for-profits, religions, special military forces, local and national governments, etc. One such classification of gameworlds is a school.
Schools are learning gameworlds classified according to which of the 5 Bodies is the focus for learning.
Many schools - such as grade schools, high schools, colleges, and universities - use teachers to deliver content to the intellectual body.
Other schools focus more on learning physical skills such as martial arts schools, dance schools, art schools, film schools, etc. Barbara Brennan's School of Healing, for example is an energetic body training school. Feelings Practitioner is an example of an emotional body training school.
One classification of school is spelled with a capital "S" and specializes in training in all 5 Bodies simultaneously for the purpose building matrix to expand human consciousness.
These 5-Body Schools are further classified according to their structure, ranging from a hierarchical pyramid with a 'master' or 'guru' at the top, to a torus - shaped structure (like a doughnut) with shared responsibilities and rotating spaceholders.
Such 5-Body Schools are also classified according to their learning style, ranging from following a traditional set of teachings and practices, to doing empirical research and implementing newly discovered distinctions and practices.
Evolutionary Labs are a torus team doing 5-Body empirical research learning expeditions bonded together by the attraction to and the love of certain kinds of questions, particularly those questions the answers to which enhance Energetic Body awarenesses and skills.6WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF AN EVOLAB?
The purpose of Evolutionary Lab is to integrate in daily life what we may already know unconsciously but do not consciously apply, plus also to integrate answers, tools, and processes we find together while investigating the spaces opened up by questions most of us never dared to ask alone.
We also have the purpose to document and share as widely as possible anything we discover that may help accelerate the evolution of human consciousness.
This means whatever we discover is anti-proprietary. It cannot be copyrighted. It is all copylefted, open code, and protected by Creative Commons International 4.0 Attribute and Share Alike license (CC BY-SA 4.0), except for the stunning rendition of Lady of the Lake illustration at the header, which is copyrighted 2005 by Michael Komarck http://komarckart.com/ccg_ana07.html.
In the film, The Mask of Zorro, someone asks Zorro, "Are you looking for something?" Instantly Zorro responds, saying, "A sense of the miraculous in every day life."
The questions we investigate together during EvoLab cannot be answered except through direct experience. Or rather, they can be answered in an infinite variety of ways. Either case infers the miraculousness of what is.
This is not saying that nothing can be known. Rather it is saying that things can be known at deeper and broader levels ad infinitum.
Our efforts are made together in the name of, and with joyfully awesome respect for, the Mysteriousness that drives the force of Evolution in the Universe.The way we do this is to serve each other as gateways through which answers come when someone has authentic necessity in their next question.
Ah, yes... well. As tempting as it might be to answer your question here, we would be doing you a significant disservice.
This is a website.
Its skips 4 of your 5 Bodies, and briefly entertains your Intellectual Body.
Your question is excellent. It would be a shame to kill it with an incomplete answer.
Good questions can be hard to come by.
Better to keep this question alive so you can use it in a more productive time and place...
Evolutionary Labs are formal training and practice spaces - think of it as an Evolutionary Dojo - usually 5 days long, sometimes delivered in unusual places or under non-ordinary circumstances.
Evolutionary Labs typically cost €650 to €950 (sliding scale) tuition plus housing and shared self-prepared food costs.
They are usually delivered by legendary Evolutionaries, or... why else would you attend?
The real question is: after you buy a thing, how do you pay for it? This is an interesting question.
In Evolutionary Lab, you pay everything.
How did you know about the prerequisites? Never mind...
There are prerequisites because over the years we have learned the hard way that spaceships fly higher with less mass.
This is not a rule. It is an observation... a Law of Flying.
A heavier than normal condition can be rectified in flight, but usually at a high cost, such as someone leaving in the middle of a training.
Therefore we prefer to pay the price up front before the spaceship takes off by making the prerequisites more stringent.
The prerequisites for attending an EvoLab are that a participant be an already employed Evolutionary, has already participated in at least one Expand The Box training plus one Possibility Lab, (and, for extra credit, at least one Avalon Meeting), and that you have a personal Skype or Zoom call with the EvoLab Kaitiaki (the Guardian of the Realm) who, at this moment, is Clinton Callahan.
Anyone, of course, can consider themselves to be an evolutionary.
I mean, who could stop you?
Nobody knows what you are actually thinking in there...
If you want to think of yourself as an evolutionary, well, what a cool thing to think! You are the only person who can decide what you think of yourself. Even if no one else knows that you are an evolutionary you can decide to be an evolutionary. We only ask that if you ever decide to stop regarding yourself as an evolutionary you participate in a Decompression Ceremony with us so that your departure is graceful and so that we can all learn the most from the experience.
If you decide to be an evolutionary this is part of the deal.
The interesting thing about preparations is that the Universe takes ongoing and careful note of the matrix you have truly built.
Evolution occurs by reflex.
What this means is, if you are, in reality, prepared to be initiated into the next level, you may be automatically initiated into the next level whether you think you are ready to go there or not.
Your preparation initializes your initiation.
What a fucking hell this can make of your plans if you like your life the way that it is and then the Universe comes along without warning and suddenly throws you into the next level simply because you were prepared for it ! "Grharhghaaagh!#!!?#? "
(People have been heard saying something like this in such circumstances...)
Yeah, well... what can you do? It is all in the daily life of an Edgeworker, Possibilitator, Riftwalker, or Evolutionary...
And, yes... there are additional preparations, including a long list of mysterious movies of which it is our opinion that you should see ALL of them in the company of other Evolutionaries.
Plus there are an equal number of important books to read, navigating your own Possibility Team, upgrading your thoughtmaps, a serious number authentic initiatory processes you should go through in parallel, and so on.
As we said, the preparations - fortunately - never end.
Please keep in mind that the only time you have to prepare yourself (and your village...) is NOW. Better minimize it...
Evolutionary Lab empowers you to be a better Evolutionary through a series of 5-Body inner-design checks that are accompanied by the appropriate healing and transformation processes. Some of the checks include:
- What is the condition of the Witch's Circle in your Community, Project, or Gameworld?
- What are the functions of the Witch's Circle?
- In what ways have you, your Research Team, or your Gameworld arranged to be defended against Presence, which is the only place Magical actions can happen?
- What pain of realization or recognition about current circumstances in yourself, in your relations, and in the world are you avoiding because you regard them as too painful to witness?
- How thoroughly is your Work and offerings grounded in Phase II of Feelings Work?
- How thoroughly is your Work and offerings grounded in Radical Responsibility?
- In what ways do you feed the evolution of your Gameworld, because if your Gameworld is not evolving it is dead?
- What are the ways you are sharing your critical discoveries and knowledge within the global network of practicing Evolutionaries?
Evolutionary Lab
Intensive nonlinear skills-building training
The Evolutionary dojo
It is rather certainly relevant to your success as an Evolutionary to participate in Expand The Box training, Possibility Village Labs, Possibilitator Training, and possibly also Mage Training.
For details please visit:
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code EVOLUTIO.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!